Adding & Removing Employees / Team Members

1. Log into your TitleCapture account.

2. On the app home screen, click the “ Team Management” tab.

3. Hit the “+ Invite member ” button.

4. Enter the email address, assign the team member to the designated office(s) and click, “Send Invite ” once completed.

Important Note: Once a new invitation email has been received, clicking on the "Join your team" button will redirect the users to the new Register page for team members. The invitation link remains valid for 7 days and automatically expires if the registration has not been completed. For the invited team members, a "Resend" button is available in order to send another invitation. Remember, if the invitation email does not appear in their inbox, invitees check their Spam folder before sending a new invite.

Sending a bulk invite to multiple team members

1.  Steps 1-3 are above the same as for inviting an individual team member. 

2.  Click the “Import members”  button.

3.  Read the instructions on the prompt, then hit “Download .csv Template.

Important Note: In the last 3 columns, properly indicate permissions by placing “1” to enable and “0” to disable.

4.  Completely fill in the template with your team’s information.

5. Once completed, save the file as .csv and email to .

Disable a Team Member

1. Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the row, then select “Disable team member” from the drop down.

Important Note: Only admins can disable and re-enable a team member. Before disabling a team member's account, we need to ensure that their assigned clients are safely transferred to another team member.

Reassign Clients 

1. Assign clients to the new Office by selecting the office in the search box.

2. Assign clients to new Rep by selecting the team member’s name in the search box.

3. Click the "Transfer Clients & Disable Team Member" button to complete the process.

Re-enable Team Members

1. Go to the “Disabled” tab to view the list of disabled team members.

2. Click on the 3 dots button on the right side of a team member row, then select “Enable team member.”

For instructions on how to edit team member permissions, please access the following article: Editing Team Member Permissions.

If you need further assistance, please send us an email at We are more than happy to help!

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