Follow these steps to grant Admin permissions to team members, enable their access to widget leads and orders, and set their accounts to private.
1. Log into your TitleCapture admin account.
2. On the app home screen, click on Admin Tools tab, followed by Manage Team Members. 3. Click on the three dots on the right hand side of the row. 4. Click on Permissions.
5. Enable or disable a certain capability by dragging the white slider either left (disables) or right (enables and turns the slider to green).
Permissions Described in Further Detail:
- can view, reassign and share all orders.
- can manage team member permissions, send team member invites, and disable team member access.
- view all clients and all team member's usage and data.
Private Team Member:
- enabled: representative's name wouldn't show on the sign up page; clients cannot sign up with them.
- disabled (public): representative's name will show on the sign up page; clients can choose to sign up with them.
Receive Orders:
- enabled: representative's name will appear on the assign order page, clients can send them orders and will receive notifications for all orders but can only view those sent to them.
- disabled: representative's name wouldn't show on the assign order page; clients cannot send them orders and no notifications will come through to them.
Widget Leads Access:
- enabled: Representative will have access to the leads coming from the widget and be able to reach out to potential new clients.
- disabled: Representative won't have access to the leads coming from the widget.
If you need further assistance, please send us an email at We are more than happy to help!
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