Ohio Real Estate Compensation

TitleCapture has multiple solutions for Ohio Real Estate Compensation due to unique local practices.

This section contains optional compensation functionality that can be enabled on request.


For Ohio transactions, the updated Real Estate Compensation section allows you to specify how agent compensation is allocated to the Seller’s Agent and to the Buyer’s Agent. You can set one percentage for the first $100,000 and a different percentage for any amount above that.

This section also includes an option to enter a Flat Transaction Fee. The fee name/label can be customized upon request and can vary by state. If you need modifications, please have your title company admin contact us at support@titlecapture.com.


For Ohio Transactions, the updated Real Estate Compensation section allows you to enter the Buyer's Agent Compensation as a percentage. You can set one percentage for the first $100,000 and a different percentage for any amount above that. If the buyer is not paying for the compensation at all, you can leave this section blank.

This section also includes an option to enter a Flat Brokerage Fee. The fee name/label can be customized upon request and can vary by state. If you need modifications, please have your title company admin contact us at support@titlecapture.com.

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