Widget Code - Manipulation

"I want to edit my TitleCapture Widget Code to customize the look of my widget on website."

Please be aware that the code TitleCapture provides as part of your subscription is created in a specific way to appear on our customer's websites as a button on the lower right hand side of any webpage. We provide support around this code only as it is given to our customers from our team.

We understand that some customers may want to edit the code provided to create a unique look for their website. However, if a customer (either themselves, and/or their IT team/outside vendor) manipulates the code to customize the link on their site, we no longer provide support for the widget code and those customers will need to rely on their IT teams and vendors for that support moving forward.

Should you decide to reinstate the original code to your website as it was provided to you by our team, and if you no longer have access to the original code, we would be happy to resend the original code to you. Once the original code is added to your site and the widget is confirmed by our team, our widget code support may resume.


If you have any further questions regarding your Widget code, please contact the TitleCapture Support Team at support@titlecapture.com and we will be happy to assist you.

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