Photo upload not working? How to convert or resize my photo/logo.

I'm adding my photo but it's not accepted or it doesn't load.

The photo section of the platform accepts images that are in JPG/PNG format. 

Additionally, the photo section under profile setting accepts 200x200 pixels or 160 KB or not more than 1000KB.

If the image is not any of the two or just one of the two, the image would revert to this 

You can also follow this guides based on your Operating software:

IOS users - Crop, resize or rotate an image in Preview on Mac

Microsoft users - How to crop, resize and enhance a photo in Windows

To convert files to JPG/PNG

If you would ever need to convert an image/logo/photo into JPG/PNG you can follow the below suggested steps:

visit this free online site: and follow the next steps underneath.

To resize/compress the photo/image

visit this free online site: and follow the next steps underneath.

After downloading the image you can then go back to updating your Photo on your Platform under Profile setting

If you need assistance on anything above, please contact the TitleCapture Support Team at We'll be ready to assist you!

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