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Sharing my app on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn

Social media is a great way to promote your business!

Here is how you can share your TitleCapture app on several social media platforms.

First, please add your own social media URLs to your profile (see our article on setting up your profile).

  1. Login to your TitleCapture account.
  2. Click your name on the Top Right hand side of your screen
  3. Click on Profile Settings
  4. Access your social media profile settings.

  5. Copy your social media URL
  6. Go back to the app and paste the URL into your Personal Info section under Profile (on the facebook, Twitter or Linkedin fields)
  7. And hit the Facebook, Twitter and Linked in buttons on the right hand side under Share this platform to trigger the post
  8. That will take you to your social media page where you can then post the link to your TitleCapture app.

Facebook Example:

Twitter Example:

Linkedin Example:


9. Users (Title Reps and Clients alike) can share their social media links as PDFs when opened


10. We also provide flyers within the app that you are welcome to download and add to your social media posts.  To access those, please Generate a Seller Net Sheet or Generate a Buyer Estimate from your app.

  • Then, click on the Flyers button: 
  • Click on a flyer, which will download to your computer.  From there, you can add it to your social media posts.


If you need assistance on anything above, please feel free to contact the TitleCapture Support Team at support@titlecapture.com.