Our platform uses Google's Maps geo locator for address searches in the platform. Here are some tips for troubleshooting issues with this field.
There's a few of factors that could lead to you seeing the "Not Enabled" Message when typing your address in:
- You are typing an address not/not yet supported by your application. If that's the case you can reach out to the Title Company admin so you can find out if that State/Address will become available in the future.
- Your browser may be overloaded with unnecessary data, which can affect its performance. To resolve this issue, try performing a Hard Reload and clearing your Cache, as this often helps restore functionality.
- You are adding a zip code or pasting the address with a zip code. You can type the address and you'll notice that there's a smart suggestion that would appear below. Make sure that you are clicking on the right address underneath.
- If you are quoting for vacant land and/or new construction, you may enter the county and state or even the city and state combination in the platform as seen below.
If you are still having trouble, please contact the TitleCapture Support Team at support@titlecapture.com and we will be happy to assist you.
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